Alrune, 2006 |
Extract from The Lindorm More covers |
Part 1: The Lindorm |
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Extract from The Lindorm:
”Oh no, not again!” Alvilda stamps angrily on the floor. Her needle has broken.
She throws her sewing down on the bench and gets up.
”Why must I be locked up in this tower?”
She goes to the small window. On the other side of the serpent's yard, her two brothers are doing some training on horseback.
”Vemund and Østen are allowed to ride where they want. They learn to fight. I just have to sit here and sew.”
Alvilda turns to Gro. Her maid is trying to thread a new needle. She's not doing too well. She can't get the thread through the little hole. At that moment, Runa comes in. She is carrying a tray of food. She sees what Gro is doing and takes the needle off her.
”You'll never learn,” she says grumpily. With no trouble at all, the golden thread slides through the eye. Giving a sigh, she picks Alvilda's sewing up. Gro makes fun of her behind her back. Alvilda tries not to grin but can't stop herself. Soon they are both laughing out loud.
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Author's comments:
Many years ago I was captivated by a story from Saxo's collection of myths and sagas. The tale was actually about Alf, son of Sigar, but one of the other threads in the story told of Alvilde, who ran away from home and became a warrior chief. It has been great fun taking the old tale as a starting point and continuing writing from there. There will be seven parts in all to the serial, which is wonderfully illustrated throughout by Pernille H. Jensen.
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